I’m starting this new weekly challenge for myself to get my brain juices flowing more creatively. Every Sunday, I’m going to have a random object generator give me three random everyday (or not so everyday) objects.
The challenge for myself? I’m going to sketch out four concepts that tie these objects together in some way using a new color palette and four distinct styles.
For my first challenge, the generator gave me these:
- Glass
- Lion
- Spring
1. Lion sipping from a glass at a spring

My first concept was pretty basic. A contented lion at a desert oasis sipping from a glass of water through a straw. I created a quick cracked desert ground texture by actually using and distorting the water texture brush in two colors. Then I rough sketched my lion in some charcoal brushes. And I do mean rough!
2. Literally a glass lion spring

The second concept I came up with was to make a glass lion head on a glass spring. I played around within the same palette to achieve what I think is a fairly decent glass texture. But I guess it could also arguably look like ice.
3. Spring cocktails with a lion pinup in a martini glass

I used to draw a lot of pinups, so my mind naturally went from glass to martini glass to the classic pinup in a martini glass. She was a lot of fun to draw and I’m most happy with the way this concept turned out. However, when doing the text for the “delicious spring cocktails” part, I found myself struggling to create letters.
4. Typographic rendering of the words GLASS LION SPRING

Despite being exhausted and in pain and struggling to create text, I decided my final concept would just be to practice different hand lettering styles. Like I said, I was exhausted and in a significant amount of pain in my body and hands. So I kind of phoned it in. I’m the most satisfied with the rendering of “lion”.
That’s all I’ve got in the tank for today. I’m tired. My finger joints are on fire. My body is aching like crazy today. And I really don’t want to draw or type any more. I just wanted to push myself to do my daily doodle / blog post and challenge myself in a new way.
I’m glad I did.
But, as an asshole lion once said, something something bid you adieu.